Supply Chain Management Professional

Businesses that have a productive supply chain are able to cut operating costs and improve the efficiency of their transportation, inventory management and overall logistics. According to MarketWatch, 46% of SMBs either don’t track inventory or use a manual method. Global Transportaion Management System market size was $1.8 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach $4.8 billion by the end of 2025. More than 30% of supply chain leaders have highlighted the need to respond to customer mandates for faster, more accurate and unique fulfillment as a top business priority moving forward. Supply chain management positions and hiring are growing faster than current economic averages. There is significant potential in supply chain, and it is where people are looking for new talent.

  • As per IDC report, by the end of 2020, 50% of all manufacturing supply chains will have the capability, either in-house or outsourced, to enable direct-to-consumption shipments and home delivery.
  • 79% of companies with high-performing supply chains achieve revenue growth greater than the average within their industries.
  • According to Forbes Insights, 44% companies state that the Amazon effect is having a dramatic impact on their logistics, supply chain and transportation operations.
  • Almost 87% of today’s customers are willing to wait for two or more days to receive free shipping. 
  • Transportation management systems can improve freight savings by up to 8%. 
  • Just 35% of shippers are using these systems as part of their overall supply chain management strategies. 
  • Recently there has been a 15% growth in TMS usage within the small to mid-sized businesses market, with some vendors reporting more than 20% growth for that market. 
  • Nearly two-thirds (63%) of companies do not use any technology to monitor their supply chain performance.

Vidya Mentors Supply Chain Management Professional program will help you to acquire professional competencies in materials management & logistics, leading to an improvement in the job skills and self-enrichment. Supply chain managers with detailed understanding about transportation, inventory management and overall logisticsa are the need of the hour. The Fortune and Materials Handling Institute estimates SCM positions to grow at nearly 270,000 per year and a recent search for “supply chain” on resulted in over 45,000 results.

Curriculum Highlights

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics types and SC Services
  • Purchase life cycle
  • Supplier development
  • Movement of Goods
  • Manufacturing Planning and Control
  • International Trade and Freight
  • Freight Organisations
  • Retailing and Retail Merchandising
  • HRM in Retail

Key Features

  • Industry recognized trainers
  • Edge-of-your-seat online learning
  • Live sessions by experts on industry topics
  • One-on-one discussion and feedback sessions 
  • Global peer collaboration and networking
  • Real-world, case-based learning
  • Hands-on learning and Hackathons
  • Capstone Project and Live Projects
  • Job assistance, Placement drives
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